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During the recession of 2008, Angie & Phin Tillman were in quite a pickle.  Phin was a builder at the time and Angie was a stay-at-home wife and mom of three children.  Phin had always made pickled green tomatoes and beans for friends and family for Christmas gifts and people would steal them out of their pantry when they visited. They always joked about one day selling them. So...with the flop in the real estate market and no cash flow in their pockets....they turned their pickle of a problem into a life of PHUN! Angie started making the pickles from Phin's recipe and selling them on their front porch in Athens.  She used the P-H in Phin's name (short for Phinizy) to create the name for their new business and 'PHICKLES' was born.
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